If you, or a family member, have been exposed to asbestos or suffer from a dust related condition as a result of your employment, then the compensation team at Kenny Spring Solicitors can help you with making a claim for compensation through the Dust Disease Board and Dust Disease Tribunal.
We are able to assist you with all aspects of a claim as a result of your exposure to dust or asbestos. Our expert legal advice will help you to claim for:
- Treatment expenses
- Weekly benefits of compensation
- Provision of services for care and assistance
- Lump sum compensation
- A family member's death as a result of their exposure.
Important to seek legal advice early
Due to the declining health of a person suffering with an asbestos or dust related disease it is really important to obtain fast legal advice and submit any claims as a matter of urgency. Our compensation lawyers can obtain the necessary evidence and complete the documentation to enable a claim to be made in a quick and efficient manner.
We are able to work with you, or your family, in a compassionate and professional manner to ensure that you receive the necessary benefits and compensation entitled to you.
Please call 1800 650 656 to speak to one of our compensation team to find out more.